SlacklifeBC online store relies strongly on quick, affordable and reliable shipping. We use a variety of shipping providers including Canada Post, Purolator, UPS and DHL depending on the destination and size of the order. All shipping providers offer high-speed shipping for a low cost to our customers.
  • All orders are shipped with Canada Post, UPS, Purolator or DHL
  • Orders normally ship 2-4 business days after the order has been placed.
  • Domestic shipping can take up to 10 business days to arrive.
  • International shipping can take up to 14 business days to arrive but typically will require 2-10 days for shipping.
  • We cannot be responsible for damaged, lost or stolen packages once it leaves a warehouse. In the event of a damaged or lost package please contact us and we will work with the carrier to resolve the issue.
  • In the event of a stolen package, it is the responsibility of the recipient to take appropriate actions
  • Backordered items may take 5-7 weeks for shipment.

The customer is responsible for payment of any importing Taxes or VAT associated with importing of shipments from SlacklifeBC. SlacklifeBC will not charge sales tax on international orders.

Domestic – North America Shipping Rates

Purchase Amount Canada United States
0 – $50.00  $ 9.95 $ 12.95
50.01 – $100.00 $ 12.95 $15.95
100.01 – $175.00 $ 14.95 $19.95
$175.00 + FREE FREE

International Shipping Rates

Purchase Amount Express Shipping
$0 – $50.00 $29.95
$50.01 – $100.00 $39.95
$100.01 – $200.00 $64.95
$200.01 – $300.00 $89.95
$300.01 – $500.00 $107.95
$500.01 – $750.00 $119.95
$750.01 – $1000.00 $129.95
$1000.01 – $1250.00 $159.95
$1250+ FREE