Packing up the truck with all the camping and highlining gear, we set off for the 2nd annual Smith Rock Highline Festival in Smith Rock Oregon.
Leaving Thursday after we finished work, we quickly started on our road trip. Making only one quick stop in Seattle for some last minute supplies we planned on driving straight to Smith Rock. At about 1am, having worked all day, we decided to pull into a rest stop, do a quick re-organization of gear and crash in the back of the truck.
The next morning, with only a short drive, not wasting any time, we quickly arrived, setup, packed up and started up to scope out the many lines already visible from camp. Spending the day walking the lines and learning the area, it was nice to get out before the weekend crowds arrived.
The second day we rigged ‘Where Swallows Fly”, a nice, long, exposed line. We also explored around some of the other lines rigged in the park such as the famous “Monkey Face” line. At the end of the day, almost like a dream, a line appeared from seemingly no where. With Canadian flag and red shackles, Spencer’s onsight full man in the setting sun made for a truly unreal ending to an unreal day.
After the sun set, we hiked down in the dark, beat from the long day in the sun and eagerly awaiting some much needed sleep. The next morning the magical line was gone, almost like it never happened.

Waking up Sunday morning, we hiked straight for “The Gift”. A beautiful line overlooking the camp ground. The blue skies and whispy clouds made for some epic photos.

Despite one of us having no voice and the other an impacted wisdom tooth, the weekend did not go exactly as planned but was still an amazing time. The lines were all beautiful and the people were extraordinary. We represented Canada both on the lines and in the camp. Can’t wait for next year although I am sure we will be back before then
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Featuring: Spencer Seabrooke
Music: Highlighter by Bocce
Filmed and Edited by Brent Plumley